Jenessah Sydne


website | instagram | facebook

Jenessah, 21, has just recently moved to Jersey from Vancouver, Canada. Jenessah started her first art piece when she was only 15 years old. Art was a hobby that emerged from a dark place for Jenessah in her teen years, which then created a space of solace and healing for her. From age 15-18 she continued her artistic journey, even taking classes that allowed her to expand her artistic knowledge and grew her desire. In her second year of University, she switched majors from Psychology to Fine Arts. She has been involved in multiple Art Exhibitions in Canada including LAB ART SHOW 2017. Jenessah's goal to immerse herself in Jersey's artistic community to develop a space to get inspired, create, and experiment out of her comfort zone.

“I realized that this wasn't what it was about for me; being a people pleaser or confining to what society wants to see or what's 'in'. I realised that success means different things to different people."


Tell us about your path to setting up your business and what motivated you?

I only recently started taking my art to the 'business' level. I have been a creative for years now, not only encompassing visual art but poetry and blogging as well. As I grew with my art and found my artistic style, I had the courage to try and get into a few art exhibitions back in Canada. In those exhibitions I met so many talented artists and even found myself selling pieces to wonderful and encouraging customers. Eventually, I was inspired to use social media as a platform for my art. When I went to University in England, that was when I really found my artistic style as well as my love for blogging. As a part of winning the spot to do a Study Abroad through my home University, I had to create a blog about my journey. The artistic program at UCLAN was student led... there were no restrictions and pure freedom for us as young artists. I was surrounded by a few incredible and artistic women who inspired me. We bounced off each other like crazy when it came to our art ideas.


How do you work and what is a typical day like for you?

Usually you will find me serving up a mad brunch + a good cuppa coffee down at Locke's! But if I have the free time I always utilize it towards my creative endeavours; whether that's my latest blog post, updating my website or instagram, having coffee with fellow artists, or even creating a new art piece!

W​hat are the best parts about your business?

I love that everything about it is mine. I love that I don't have to answer to anyone and that I can change it, add to it, and create it how I like. At the end of the day it's something that I've created for myself out of pure joy and utter happiness, so I never let the outside world or other's opinions alter my format or my way of working. I love being independent and I love having something that I've created for myself.


W​hat has been your greatest struggle as a business owner so far?

My biggest struggle as a business owner so far has been getting the word out there. It's really difficult starting out as an artist, as they all say, but I think it's a bit more difficult when you're determined to not confine to what society wants or to 'commercialize' yourself. I've found that wherever you go, there's always going to be some sort of artist 'niche' that people are interested in. I find with my art, it's definitely not something you come across in your day to day life. I found it hard to keep myself grounded and allow myself to explore in my creativity without trying to change my artistic style to gain more customers or please others.

What has been your biggest a-ha moment so far?

My biggest 'a-ha' moment came to me really not all that long ago. Because I was striving to get my art work out there, I started trying to create things that I thought others would like, not necessarily in my art style and not necessarily stuff that I would enjoy making. It wasn't 'me' in a sense. Eventually I came to the conclusion that that wasn't the way things should go for me and my art business. I realized that this wasn't what it was about for me; being a people pleaser or confining to what society wants to see or what's 'in'. I realized that success means different things to different people... because my artwork is different and wacky, maybe it won't be as popular as the next person's, but the way I measure success is being happy, keeping my passion alive, and doing what I WANT to be doing - not what others want from me.


D​o you have any advice for other small business owners?

Follow your heart and follow your mind. If you want to try something new and experiment with things, take the risks and don't be scared. Just because things don't pick up right away doesn't mean they never will. Keep striving and keep a pretty smile on your face... things always work out :)

What currently inspires you?

What currently inspires me is any type of illustrative work. I love bright and bold colours, and I love cute little illustrations. Music and lyrics are constantly inspiring my art. I love doing portraits with words or poetry in one piece. Ed Templeton is an artist who really inspires me. I love his idea of creating psychedelic portraits on skateboards. Oh yes, and copious amounts of Coffee... it always keeps me inspired, buzzing, and lively!

Anything else you would like to share?

My happiness in my creative journey derives from the things I've accomplished. It's not measured by how many pieces I sell or how many exhibitions I do... I am currently living the life I want to be living, and I am currently making the art and writing the pieces that make me smile and keep me shining. I think that's what's most important in anything you do throughout your walk of life.

You can contact and find me here

website | instagram | facebook